我司出口系列产品通过欧美多家认证实验室检测,并拥有认证证书,产品直供海外20多年,在材料,生产,组装,质检,入库和出库整个流程始终保持行业最高标准,有着优先的生产工艺,供应高标准,高品质,高口碑的产品。可为国内外资、合资项目和海外外援、外建项目提供高标准认证型消防安全产品,并可根据客户要求提供产品定制服务。 有任何需求,请随时与我们联系,邮箱:info@firetechsh.com,电话:021-6845 3005
FIRETECH hand-held branch pipe is made by combination of Aluminium and plastics. The water flow control is by means of SHUT, JET and SPRAY. The branch pipe has male instantaneous coupling inlet.
Material | Aluminium Alloy to BS1490 |
Size | DN50, CMM, DN65 |
Control | Ball Valve Control |
Inlet | G 2", Storz-C, BS336 |
Outlet | 9mm, 9mm, 12.5mm |
Industrial and rural fire brigades as well as building protection.
For general industrial, commercial and civil engineering applications.
Ideal for Fire Departments and Professional Industry services.
Refineries, Armed Forces, Airports, Ships, Oil Rigs, Heavy Industry
Maintenance Instructions
Keep it in cover.
After use drain the water and disconnect from hose.
Every 6 months verify the lever operating & Jet/Spray
BSI Kitemark Certified and LPCB Approval.
Handheld Branch Pipes are manufactured in compliance with BS standard.
Body and Tip made of Aluminium.
Pipe material made of Polyamide.